Professional Hood Cleaning
in the Bay Area
Power Washing, Filter Cleaning and Replacement, Electrical Maintenance, Hood Installation, Tile Work, Commercial Plumbing
Bay Area
Restaurant Services
Bay Area Restaurant Services provides power washing, filter cleaning and replacement, electrical maintenance, hood installation, tile work, and commercial plumbing for commercial kitchens.
Why choose Bay Area Restaurant Services?
We offer a wide range of services to help your restaurant succeed. With our flexible hours, we are able to work on your schedule to help you at your convenience!
We are licensed, our license number can be found on our invoices.
We will always make sure your restaurant is up to inspection standards.
We double check our work.
There is no estimate fee in San Jose. Outside of San Jose, the fee is waived if we are hired for the job.
When is it time to call Bay Area Restaurant Services to service your commercial kitchen? These are some common signs to look out for, to keep you, your employees, your clients, and your business safe.
Grease odor is present, and the odor seems to be coming from the air ducts or exhaust hood.
Grease residue buildup.
Grease stains on the roof
Exhaust fan does not sound normal.
When was the last time your hood system was cleaned? If you are not sure, then it is time for a service.
What is included when Bay Area Restaurant Services services your restaurant hood?
Cooking equipment

“Here at Bay Area Restaurant Services, we offer a wide range of services for your restaurants success and greatness. Able to work on your schedule and our flexible hours to help you at your convenience!”
— Pedro, Owner of Bay Area Restaurant Services
Contact Us
Contact us for a quote today!
(408) 813-2910
Dragon's Pond - Walnut Creek, CA
“We love how quick and easy their staff replaced our filters with new ones, and are always available to help!”
Tequila's Taqueria - San Jose, CA
“The staff have been genuine with pricing and work ethic in this 5+ years partnership! Thanks for the hard work and dedication!”
Flower Lounge - Oakland, CA
“In the past we’ve had difficulties with different companies, but with Bay Area Restaurant Services, they helped us see the quality in their work, we definitely hired the right company and hope to work with them in the future.”